- You are free to advertise your host or other project, unless it has been exposed as a bad host.
Advertising/sharing of your own content is fully allowed here. In our Discord please use the #host-advertise channel.
- Do not spam.
- Do not post anything NSFW (Including Shock Content).
- Do not ask for Roles, or to be Staff, if you haven’t contributed anything.
- Do not annoy the Mods or Staff. We do not pay them.
- No Pedophilia of any kind.
- No threats of harm (Swatting, Homicide, etc…)
- If your content would violate U.S. or international laws, don’t post it.
- Do not post copyrighted material (Movies, Music, Pirated Software, etc…)
- Any DDoS or malicious acts against other systems is not allowed, except for responsibly testing and disclosing security issues.
- Don’t DOX. Some Personal Data on individuals may be posted on the website only if all 4 the following conditions are met: The data helps identify and prevent possible scams, can not lead to real-life harm, was not acquired illegally (i.e. through hacking) and was not acquired from the Drama.gg community itself. In order to comply with Discord’s Terms, Personal Data may not be posted anywhere on Discord.
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If you repeatedly or severely violate THE RULES we reserve the right to ban your account and IP address.