Lmfao, there is no way this kid is saying pylex is abusing. I am laughing my self to bed.
First thing is that no one uses drama.gg, so the fact your brought it here is hilarious. I also wanted to say with the lack of proof, it shows how proffesional you are with your shit.
Pylex Backend has been rewritten to fix all major and minot security issues. You can believe badsk/layer/atqr as much as you want but he knows we fixed all the shit in side of it.
Don’t talk shit about beloved pylex, when your website is shit https://plexanodes.net/. Jesus that’s horror.
Also your incorrect about wings. Wings is just an API that connects to docker engine and uses the docker api which is in localhost to manage containers. Wings soley just runs a public API for the panel to interact with. Wings does not store any data except a db files which stores actvities and a states.json file saving the states of servers. The “/var/lib/pterodactyl/volumes” are folders that are mounted to docker containers so files can be accessed. If they didn’t exists they would be in the default docker folder.
Get your fucking facts right.
I see that your billing and client are hosted in Tamil Nadu. If you are a tamil speaker, I just want to say I am embarrased. My being a tamil person is horrified of your lack of knowledge and behaviour.
Pylex was bought by David and is still running, if we were abusing we would have shut down ages ago. As we as that you can scroll through updates channel to see videos of the servers. You cannot say they are fake becuase they have the 3d printed logo that his friend made.
Get your self straight brotha and sort your knowledge out.