old That’s fair, though to be honest I feel like every host claims they are the #1 host which makes you think what being #1 actually means 😂
ItsAsheer Andrew Could i talk with you in Discord dms? Its not a ddos, but we dont want them to know our plans yet.
Neils Cloud Luke is very hypocritical he would never put the blame on himself. He is a faillure to society. He is one of those people who can’t seem to find out they also do stuff wrong. It’s always someones else fault.
Neils Their managing directors (Bob and Happy) are also trying to dodge questions, as example what was leaked and why didn’t they do anything when it’s by-law required.
lol stilry damn bro this is wild Emobitc Upper management is on a account with sabrina carpenter one of the most crony && horny singers out there trying to be professional. Good work !!
accountdeleted_9989 So now, what are some free hosting services like Embotic, but without all the fucked up things, and no person like avery.
skycodee After I recently found out that they are selling my scripts feel free to check the ressource checker on my github https://github.com/Skyy-Development/Embotic-anti-abuse-system Proof that it is mine.
ItsAsheer ItsAsheer As a note, this wasnt this morning, this is a screenshot of 16 days ago approximately.