Be aware, that dumbass wayjfay is back with his new Summerhost called “”
First I would like to introduce myself and my story with WajFay, at least the parts I can still remember
I think I first met him in 2022 on the Pterodactyl Discord. I helped him set up the panel, and in return, he gifted me some of his Contabo machines. We started hanging out on Discord and at some point, he asked me if I wanted to be a moderator or something like that for his hosting service. He didn’t have any legal documents and his host already had a post on After that he tried to start a new hosting service, something called Vibenodes or whatever, but he actually just stole the name. To do that he used his brother’s credit card/ID (if i remember correctly) to register with Hetzner lol
He was Serbian ig? and in the calls he would always be lying in bed, sounding pretty trashy and acting super arrogant. Then one day, he totally screwed me / used me, and when I found out what kind of shady stuff he was doing, he stripped all my rights except the ones for the VPS he had. From then on, he started spreading lies about me (I was known as Yukari back then). After he stripped my rights and I found out what he was doing, I griefed his shit XD
He was also involved in some kind of v2? I don’t even remember anymore.