We have only two Points to Verify
Not Using Abused Nodes / Carding
Not Selling User Data
Facts Only :>
Only Valid for Indian Hosting Providers at this moment i will keep updating for other Countries soon..
Ofc you are not going to ask every hosting owners for Invoices of their node payments or Bank Statement and even some the real Hosting will not entertain you for such things
Then How Should a User know that if its a Legit Hosting or Not??
Their are Few Steps and only 2 Docs you need to ask and any Legit Companies will happily Provide that
No 1: CIN / Company Identification No
No 2: GSTIN / Good and Services Tax Indentification No
What is CIN?
Ans: If a Company is Registered with Goverment they all are governed by PCI DSS Complaice [Data Security]
and CIN is a no Govt Issues when they are registered company
How to verify CIN?
Go ahead to https://www.quickcompany.in/
And past The CIN You got [Most cases Registered Company Will Give their CIN/GSTIN in their Website it self so no need ask]
If they dont gave it their as them to give
If their Director Name and Company Matches to what you need in https://www.quickcompany.in/ you are good
Why you need to Verify GSTIN also?
GST Governs not only Taxes but also Makes sure a Company is Properly Audited
and Auditing Means making all companies money is properly used an not in any short of scams
as any Type of SaaS/IaaS/PassS will have expenditures for Raw Meterials and if they dont show Purchase Invoices to GSTIN authorities they will get panelites so if they have GSTIN they are not using Abused Nodes Probably
How to Verify GSTIN?
Go Ahead to https://services.gst.gov.in/services/searchtp
Enter the GSTIN No you got from your hosting Website or you have asked them
Make sure to match the Details to their CIN [Make sure everything Matches]