What are you talking about? We already exposed a handful of skids in a little over a month, and a lot more on the way. Where do you think those 78 members came from? They didn’t just show up out of nowhere, most of them know this community and have been part of the dead one for a long time. Some of them are brand new. At this time we’re getting 600 unique page views per day, do you think that’s not from our work here? We brought this back from scratch, hosting it more reliably than ever. Many features are getting added and bugs are getting fixed. The discord is active, I make memes almost every day now and keep the community engaged. There’s an official minecraft server on the way. We have done more for this website in a couple of weeks than anyone has ever done except Sloth himself (God rest his soul), and we’re only gaining momentum. We will never stop improving and posting. There are many scam hosts now that have filled the void while Drama was down. Do you have any idea how easy it is to go down such a rabbithole on Discord? There are plenty, and their days are numbered. No offense but you are from the old community and got the same laziness that infected them. We do not give up and we do not back down. This is the one and only site where people don’t touch grass - their ass becomes grass instead.