(Archived from Oct 13, 2022 | Original Post by @goldendrama )
As alot of people now, Kuxo bought Kubbur except the brand. And some users has noticed that Kuxo seem to not be using a legitimate whmcs license. Whmcs website shows the are not running a legit license, when you go to Kuxos admin panel it shows that the license isn’t registered and whmcs has not reported any issues with their website. Their privacy policy is also incomplete and not correctly written same as terms of conditions.
Something that still is extremely iffy is that Kuxo has yet to release people’s data from Kubbur. The people that choosed to go from Kubbor to Kuxo has yet gotten a working server or their files. People that are mailing Kuxo about getting their data back is not receiving an answer and the are not receiving an answer of getting their data deleted thus breaking gdpr.
The company Kuxo is registered on, has only one person active in the company and that is of a 17 year old. It’s very concerning that a 17 year old are going to handle this amount of money alone.
We are most defiently gonna see a kubbur 2.0 happen with Kuxo as more and more concerning things is coming to the surface.