gc_not People like Badsk (atqr) still didn’t leave the industry even after saying (obsession with the industry, we can say).
what is your obsession with me. this is the 3rd thread where I’ve been mentioned for seemingly no reason
there is an obvious reason as to why i’m still “active” - the fact that we don’t want to lose our relevance in hosting. I’ve recently stepped back from it and I mainly work on our software products now, Tino is the new director of the compute/hosting services
the reason I’ve been unable to leave before isn’t because of an “obsession”, it’s just that its our primary service, it would be very damaging if we suddenly chose to completely abandon our whole product line
I’d also like to remind you that we have the industry leading security product for hosting (Radar) and we need a way to watch for the latest methods and bypasses to it so we can patch it, if we couldn’t do this then we’d fall behind (the only way we can watch for this is by running a host)
there are several other cases where it’s simply unfeasible for us to just leave.