xdev_1 shershah calls me badsk We got HeliactylESM (grapheneheliactyl) from Privt this person rn not working at Epic Nodes & Epic Group
shershah xdev_1 Epic Group https://www.linkedin.com/company/epicgroup-global/ https://www.epicgroup.global/ Please avoid using the name Epic Group to escape a lawsuit against yourself.
xdev_1 shershah We are not official registered company and we not need any trademark. Just using “Epic Group” as name soon i maybe register an official company in my country.
xdev_1 [unknown] Temporarily we are using a HeliactylESM from pluto version from Privt. Privt is dev of the HeliactylESM
shershah xdev_1 I supposed you said you will not have privt as your staff. Since he implement suspicious code into your panel.
tfcprivt xdev_1 tahnks for saying that i developed it… HeliactylESM is Plutonodes dashboard Ported to ESM not more…
xdev_1 shershah Im rn can do that but this is a dev version of dashboard. Use https://epicnodes.com domain instead of DuckNodes domain