satindar yatharthanand gotta remember him till my last breath(for being the absolute dogshit of an abuser)
gc_not ofc, badsk is still abusing and he has opened his 400th host called His name is now Atqr / Ampere.
satindar gc_not Good to hear! I saw he’s also doing some wierd acquiring “companies” stuff lmao. His sryden got acquired by some zen which he also owns so it’s still basically the same thing.
satindar gc_not Good to hear! I saw he’s also doing some wierd acquiring “companies” stuff lmao. His sryden got acquired by some zen which he also owns so it’s still basically the same thing.
wellwisher breh its annoying use rreCapthca v3 background one so it doest ask from dumb verifications
Andrew wellwisher The last time we used reCAPTCHA it let bots through. But we’ll look into making it easier.