I worked with hostfusion.co for a while and caats always asked me to be professional + he is always professional with customers and the official Discord server.
I have affiliation with this company meaning what i say shouldnt be trusted, either because i’m employed by them and financially motivated to defend my boss. What you say pretty much should be disregarded as bias and your whole statement has proven such.
If caaats makes innapropiate jokes on another servers and DMs, that doesn’t make the host bad, or unprofessional, as it wasn’t made in any hostfusion.co servers or talks with customers.
As the owner of his company, what he says outside the community does matter, thats how businesses work, employees get dropped if they’re controversial and if a CEO says something controversial it can affect the company to the point they lose many sales or even end up with a tarnished reputation for ages. Cancel culture isnt as nice as “what is said outside the company is outside the company”. The fact you said this already shows me you’re either a kid or simply not familiar with the intricacy of what businesses are like.
A client is obviously not going to be happy when they see such things

If you bought a dedicated off caaats, he told you the specs, it’s on you if it ended up bad then, because you chose to buy it.
Most people who buy these Minecraft servers probably don’t know what they’re getting into. Blaming them for their lack of knowledge just puts them in a victim role and excuses the predatory practices of businesses that take advantage of that ignorance. It’s like a real-life business that sells faulty products to unsuspecting customers, knowing full well that they’re not going to have a good experience. Instead of being upfront about the limitations and potential issues, these companies just focus on making a quick buck by preying on those who don’t know any better. It’s really unfair and shows a lack of integrity in how they operate. In any legitimate business, you’d expect transparency and respect for the customer, not manipulation and exploitation.
Any hosts that are mad because caats is “taking your customers” he ain’t, he is just good at selling and thinking.
Just take a look at hosts like Pebblehost, Bloom, EnviroMC, Pufferfish, and Lilypad. You’d never catch them pulling stunts like this, and you know why? Because they all have mutual respect and uphold a standard. A lot of smaller hosts wouldn’t engage in the kind of behavior that Cats does because the community finds it really off-putting. They don’t try to steal clients or undercut each other; instead, they focus on building relationships without begging people to switch to their service. What Cats is doing goes against Discord’s TOS, breaks etiquette, and is generally seen as a pretty disliked move. It’s not about being good at selling; it’s more about being a jerk.
So he definitely do not steal clients from other hosts, and he definitely is not racist because his team (Bijju and Aryan) are both Indian, and there are no innapropiate jokes between them.
Sending unsolicited messages to people, trying to lure them to another host by “exposing” negative information about the current host and suggesting they switch is a clear tactic to poach clients. The claim that the host is racist is misleading, especially since he has Indian team members and there aren’t any inappropriate jokes among them. However, it’s still possible to hold racist views about a group while having exceptions. Just because he may not be racist towards Indians doesn’t mean he hasn’t made racist comments in general, so let’s not downplay that.
In conclusion, hostfusion.co is a great host, and you can’t take caaats actions out of the host against it to say it’s a bad host or their staff is unprofessional.
You’ve effectively highlighted why this host comes across as unprofessional. A reputable host would typically consult with legal experts and hire a public relations team to handle issues thoughtfully, taking the time to choose their words carefully. Instead, it seems like they have inexperienced individuals managing the situation, resorting to attacking others rather than acknowledging their mistakes and focusing on improving their business and personal conduct. This approach reflects poorly on their professionalism and commitment to growth.
Ah, Touchingrass—yet another minor who contributed to the host’s ban from Admincraft by refusing to verify their status as a legitimate business to the mod team. They even created a thread, which led to the mod team issuing a transparency report further highlighting the legit of the host. It’s also worth noting that he has quite the unique nickname for his boss which is not professional and in fact disrespectful. I wasn’t aware that minors were part of the support team. If they couldn’t demonstrate that they were a legal business, it raises concerns about whether said minor is bound by a non-disclosure agreement to protect user data which is a standard with other hosts.

It’s widely recognized in the community that Cat has a habit of stalking others. They operate multiple alternate accounts across various communities and seem to take pleasure in showcasing screenshots, probably to prove they’re aware of any negative comments made about them. It raises the question: what kind of person maintains multiple accounts in different communities, including those where they’ve been banned, and engages in such behavior?