NavoCloud was/is a host that provides free discord bot hosting. However, they are one of the worst hosts I’ve seen. From being highly unprofessional, using AI for their legal- announcements- and almost all of their things, breaking terms of service for trust pilots, and so much more. This hole is about to get so much more profound.
Ai Generated Content
Let’s first start with the AI-generated content; their Privacy Policy and Terms of Service come out to be 90% AI generated from GPTZero; not only that, if you scroll to the bottom of the TOS, I just placeholder words that they were supposed to do- That being there I assume they haven’t even read over their own TOS which I find hilarious. Their announcements in Discord were also mostly ChatGPT (You don’t even need to scan it, they left the fucking prompt in the announcement). I also want to state that the owner of NavoCloud, known by Jahz/Jazzzy/webdevdox, went review bombing companies for AI AI-generated content when he does the same thing but 100 times worse… What a hypocrite.
Proofs of AI-generated content and Jahz/Jazzzy/Webdevdox review OTHER companies for ai generated content:

Their unprofessionalism:
If you look at NavoCloud’s Discord and how the staff handles themselves around clients, channels, and in DMS, banning people and more is incredibly unprofessional. For example, they make random @everyone pings 2-3 times a day just saying some random things- ghost pinging and more. In the announcement, some pings by Godly (kevlarx_) are of him BEGGING people to boost the server and offering credits to do so- giving boost rewards is acceptable; however, pinging and begging for it multiple times in a row is just bewildering and highly unprofessional. Just scroll up their announcements. It’s just full of random stuff that makes everything look highly uncreditable and shows that they aren’t a reliable host to be with. Also, this was since deleted when making this post; Godly made a ping saying he would pay $3 to each person if they advertised NavoCloud. If/when people did advertise, I highly doubt he would hold up his end of the bargain to pay each person $3. In addition, Godly & Jahz are banning people left and right, and in those ban messages are some… You guessed it: It was highly unprofessional wording. Proof of what they said is below.
Proof of their unprofessionalism:

TOS Breaking
NavoCloud currently violates multiple Terms of service- I will list the big ones here: Discord & Trust Pilot.
For Discord they do gambling which uses real-world things (credits from their panel) as stated by discord:
Users may not use Discord to place bets or wagers on games of chance for prizes with real-world value. Our gambling policy is violated if the following criteria are met:
1. There is a payment or wager of real-world value to participate (includes betting or entry fees)
Real-world value is defined as any tangible or intangible asset with a monetary or exchangeable value in the real world (physical world). This includes virtual currency or virtual goods that have a real-world market value or can be exchanged for real-world currency or goods.
2. Prizes of real-world value are awarded
3. The outcome of the game is predominantly determined by chance

Also, why encourage gambling in a free host where you know there will be kids who don’t know better, honestly just a shitty move too.
Time for Trustpilot, NavoCloud has been offering users rewards to give them 5-star reviews, which is against Trust Pilots TOS… According to Trustpilots TOS:
What’s not allowed
We can remove reviews in specific circumstances and where they violate our guidelines — such as if they’re fake or written by your employees.
We don’t allow incentives of any kind (discounts, monetary rewards, loyalty points, gifts, coupons, referral bonuses, etc).

Thier SummerHost pricing:
They offer multiple plans with different pricing—all too good to be true, or they are over-allocating or using Daddy’s money. For example, they offer 16GB RAM, seven vCores, 40GB SSD, 20 Databases, 10 backups, and unlimited bandwidth for $4. Yep! Now, explain how that is possible. Something is going on. It could be selling data, taking configs and files from users and using them for their benefit, or something else. We will never know.
Website Link where it is stated at the time of post

Data loss
They have recently merged with HelHosting, who they claim provided a script to delete overdue servers. Instead of testing on a development panel, they decided to test it on production, which caused the entire panel to get wiped, user servers to get deleted, and data loss. As you have to remember, free hosting attracts kids who are coming into the coding scene and have not yet started to save work on multiple places. However, a host should not just run a script causing over 6000 user servers (if they even said actual numbers) to lose ALL their data. I would be devastated if this happened to me. They then proceed to offer 150 credits for “Your little inconvenience.” Like That will make up for hours, maybe weeks’ worth of work.

Lots of Downtime
They have been having significant outages and downtime due to them now knowing how to properly manage and take care of Linux servers, pterodactyl panels, wings, and more crap. They restart people’s services out of the blue without prior notice. NavoCloud has been having downtime for the last few days to months of random downtimes. They don’t know how to manage a hosting provider properly, yet they do know how to manage a free one.

And so much more proof of this.
This is just the tip of the surface; there is so much wrong with this hosting company, and it’s unbelievable how a host like this can stay active even with all of their issues with machines and how they act. Stay away from this host at all costs; it’s not worth the hassle to go with them- have data loss, join back, and lose data again.
Thanks for reading, if you have more things on this host please do comment as I would like to help as many people choose something better in the long run.