h_py h_py I joined the GC because I knew Avery and Luke would do something dumb like this and I wanted to be there to see it.
h_py xpigeon3796 Yes, but I never did shit. Anyways, what’s your discord? Wanna talk with you in DMs.
blxddy xpigeon3796 yeah, at no point did we allow him to access it, he sorta just got the vps login and went “alright time to backdoor this thing”
xpigeon3796 blxddy shame really, I genuienly used to respect embotic up until they tried sabotaging my project :/
h_py Neils Again, joined to see what has happening because I knew 2 certain ppl would do something dumb like this
Neils h_py the fact you were in the gc counts as participating as you clearly didnt stop them nor did you inform us
Neils h_py you never did nor did you inform us you only sent one message. your exposed buddy accept your faith
h_py ItsAsheer Told them in management, even told them this was gonna be a trap or something but yk. There’s no cure for stupidness