If you look at the downtime stats, you’ll see that most of the time, our services have been up without issue. The problem yesterday was a tough one to fix, especially with our investor involved. As we’ve said, we’ve been working non-stop to get everything back online and working properly.
You logged into the panel because it was just set up, and then you broke the rules. Honestly, I didn’t know shared keys weren’t allowed—it’s clearly stated, multiple times, im not going to lie on that hence why i took whmcs down and looking for a alternative
Big PEEP: this is your account, and what’s happened is on you. But instead of owning that, you’ve been throwing insults, acting racist, and threatening to DDoS the whole thing. All of that is just making me more determined to keep doing what I do best: providing a service and fixing problems.
I know it’s easy to jump to conclusions and think we’re scamming, but you don’t know us. We’re working hard behind the scenes to get everyone’s servers back up, and we’re not going anywhere.
Yeah, it sucks that you lost out on some time, but I’m not sorry. If you keep throwing negativity our way, it’s only going to hurt you in the end. We’re here to help, but we need you to meet us halfway.
If you want to have a real conversation and work through this, we’re all for it. But keep being hostile, and we’ll have no choice but to stop offering support.