xdev_1 Shershah Im rn can do that but this is a dev version of dashboard. Use https://epicnodes.com domain instead of DuckNodes domain
shershah calls me badsk You mean for theft purposes? You’ve managed to steal 2 of my dashboards, website and possibly some other software by me Privt did not develop “HeliactylESM”… why would it have Matt James as the copyright holder. What a knob
shershah calls me badsk I will be filing a complaint if possible once I have done some research into how copyright works in Russia
Kavalier shershah calls me badsk I’m a bit late to this topic but basically you can file complaints via https://www.gosuslugi.ru/. Otherwise takedowns are only possible trough legal representatives or by filing a Lawsuit. Theres a 99% chance though that it won’t get trough/accepted. Russia is really not cool with Copyrighted stuff. What can also be done is reaching out to the Domain Provider (https://www.whois.com/whois/epicnodes.com) or just generally stuff like that. gl mate
tfcprivt xdev_1 tahnks for saying that i developed it… HeliactylESM is Plutonodes dashboard Ported to ESM not more…
notinfinitee Everything is stolen from top like dashboard, website to bottom like banner images Ye yandex clouds image
notinfinitee Idk why he said “This hosting will be created from scratch, new nodes, new dashboard and other things” if everything is stolen
xdev_1 notinfinitee As i said when i open host. All of this are temporarily and soon will be replaced. We do that to open host faster. From aspect of nodes there are really new nodes, firstly new location is KZ.
xdev_1 shershah calls me badsk Forgot to reply that. We abuse nodes because any free host can’t afford cost all of infrastucture. Fractal also caught on abusing Civo when i was host operator on Fractal.
Shershah xdev_1 ok, so accepted that you abuse nodes. But on other hand you are charging for your illegal currency. That’s call scamming dude
xdev_1 Shershah Its legal currency for our jurisdiction. Also EPC created as way to support our host with money and get benefits (getting more RAM, disc, CPU)
Shershah xdev_1 show me legal documents from your jurisdiction which accompanies your illegal currency, also you are getting free nodes and charging money from users, that’s call scamming.