lol Andrew i got no idea, ma4z might have unlisted it or smthing, Anyways At some point they ran there “VPS(s)” using pterodactyl and used a cracked theme for Cntrlpanel. Last time I had there proxmox, It had a 12.3 Mbps internet connection.
katylol Already has been fixed, i know shit, Also i own a R610 and i dont even use proxmox anymore and i dont use shitty carding because its useless at this point.
lol katylol Oh i wonder, Let’s see old Didn’t you have connections with lyla’s owner? Who ddosed a lot of people?
katylol Shershah Ever heard of price convertion btw. 100 INR is cents, also the staff that were shit got demoted (eg void), also its KVM-i7
katylol ofc_human of course we have drama, its free, want it? its a free way to get canceled on twitter.
Blake katylol Hmm. You have a bad history of such things, along with “faking the specs of your” so called “free VPS”. So, if I was you, I’d really think about your future actions regarding your hosting ; )