tailwindcss Cats_ Would you be able to provide that evidence in one message here then? I have been here for the entire thread and the only impression I am receiving is you trying to make claims about everyone who has replied here.
Cats_ tailwindcss I dont have unlimited time for you to go through over 250 Messages You can get it yourself I believe? I’m yet to sleep its 9 am
Cats_ JustPlinxy How about you? you were running a site without SLA/Privacy Policy then took the entire site down. I’ll not start on this again as I say before you say something to someone else look at yourself first.
tailwindcss Cats_ This is exactly what I mean, lol. Instead of providing actual proof showing your innocent you’re just going after others. Just. Make. A. New. Thread.
JustPlinxy Cats_ The website wasnt even published for more than a day the day you made the report i was still adding features to it but horizon requested to see it so i deployed a version that was only supposed to be up for max 1h
Cats_ tailwindcss I just said this like over 50 times “Look at yourself first before talking about the same thing to me”
JustPlinxy got a response from poncho btw heres what he said: poncho is a well known and well respected owner of https://servcity.org
Cats_ Firstly I’m not a kid 2nd I haven’t DDoSed servcity or anyone as I’m not affiliated with it they have multiple other people doing that to them yet as I said it was under sabrina that did that.
p0nch0 Cats_ you did DDoS a lot of people, don’t say those screenshots are faked, I saw your conversation in realtime, don’t try to claim they are fake…
Icy Cats_ DDoSing other hosting/servers are crazy man. You keep digging yourself a hole everytime you say something in this.
tailwindcss She did it under your influence and under the impression that it was authorized (that impression being led by you) - makes you just as guilty.
Cats_ tailwindcss She paid for it? or I did? I never said anything related to that it was all done by her.
tailwindcss It doesn’t really matter whom paid for it “i cant take down my own panel” 58techboy.co.uk is clearly not your panel, lol.
Cats_ Its Jaeden’s panel which he clearly asked for since he was working on a layer 7 protection go ask him yourself if you’d really like.
Cats_ It does matter who paid for it I didn’t ask them to pay for it they paid themself which proves they wanted to use it? in the first place why would u even get something like that?
tailwindcss Cats_ ⭐️ To help people ⭐️ (like I already said, and as an example Jaeden himself - she helped him test and improve his DDoS protection) - this is what she thought she was doing with you, until she realized that you were simply lying and it wasn’t your panel or website, and you just wanted to make it look like you could take down websites so people would be scared of you or whatever your goal was at the time.
Cats_ I dont know what you want me to say anymore I have wasted enough time in this thread but hey atleast it was a good time pass for me while I was transferring stuff to some new dedicateds anyways for your reply some of those were unauthorized as well including ZTX have a great day and goodbye
JustPlinxy btw Cats_ i dont appreciate you calling https://alwy.cloud a template its not 🙂 i made 90% of the pages my self and the others where created by https://lovable.dev lol and in the same messages you seem to clame your website isnt template but looks awfully like https://builtbybit.com/resources/gamehost-hosting-company-template.54480/?ref=discover js wanted to say this not like using a website template is bad or anything