Afternoon / Morning
I am the founder at Navocloud, you may know me as “Jahz” or the “hypocrite” on the form here. Please note, before we begin, my typing isnt good, and my spelling, punctuation is off.
Firstly, navocloud has been open for around 8 months, providing free hosting to users around the globe. We currently serve
around 11k~ users on our panel. After 6 months of paying monthly for a dedicated server and upgrading the ram to 512gb
we made the investment of purchasing the system outright and colocating it. This wasnt simple, after all, if you should know
im just a college student and i work, godly also works. We both have been in the hosting industry for a bit, mostly smaller
hosts that don’t go anywhere. So thats why I put together Navocloud, i wanted something that i could make successful and also
give to people for free which i have achieved, no matter what you say here. This is my first “buisness” or project and yes,
we all make mistakes, and unfortuantly, you declare most of them here.
Ai content, sure I use it, its a great and useful tool that helps you project your message better to the community, i dont have
all the time to write a message that all people can understand well. (Hopefully this message is atleast good enough to read - im
not good at typing). As for the review, that was a previous un-registered buisness i contributed at, the owner, still owes me money
and his whole backend is AI. Sure, i use AI for messages, but not real-production code - and if you are using AI to develop and create
backends or frontends for customers then you should have a look at yourself. The TOS on the dashboard is the built in control panel TOS
that comes standard with the CTRL panel, we havent changed this - as you can clearly see. Unfortuantly, in the stages we are in currently
it means that we are having to re-update our TOS, this will be updated when it is done, im sorry we did not update it at the time of your
Their unprofessionalism Section:
I have been over multiple times with my staff with how they conduct themselves, and if you are to know, most of our staff were removed due to
being underage, this means that our staff in the future are actually mature (not saying the old staff werent mature, because they were, but it
was a step for our company we needed to take to ensure issues didnt occur.). I also agree fully with your mentioning in the annoucements channel,
this is something that has been mentioned multiple times, but obvously this hasnt been taken into consideration, and yet again, i appologise.
As for the 3$ promotion, it is something that we did do, however no one actually did it - the only promotions we get are usually promotion for a
server, which we deny. As for the ban messages, i also agree, some of the ban messages can be bad, but some are deserved. All bans are appealable
via my dms, which are always open. I also want to say, this is also a topic that came up, ban messages should always be clear, understanding and
respectable. Which they arent, and im also sorry about this. “Ofc_human”'s ban was clear, he was a threatning individual that got a clear ban message
with the consequences, i do not take this back.
TOS Breaking Section:
Our gambling bot is something the community voted on being added. It DOES NOT include real money, isnt anything in the real world and isnt worth
anything, and no prizes are awwarded that is real world value. Lastly, the casino is not predominatly deteremined by chance.
- As it is currently down, while we transition to paid, this will be removed and added in the future that completely removes the fun (the credits)
and it will be just like every other discord bots gambling system. Secondly, we do not promote or encourage gambling to anyone, sure its fun, but
users should understand that they should be accompnied by a trusted adult when using our services if they are under 18. As for the trustpilot, you
have completely taken this out of context, as it clearly states in the message “you can earn additional credits for submmitting a review on trustpilot”
we do NOT endorse a “ 5-star reviews ” at all. Id much rather a ⅕ review that helps us better ourselves than a 5/5 review. However as of 1/19/2025,
this section has been removed.
“Thier” SummerHost pricing Section:
Our new paid hosting is added because people like to do illegal activities and other stuff like crypto mine, DDoS using our networks and lots of other
annoying activities that can completely get us termed. So, I added a community vote to allow the users to vote on a cheap paid segmentation, while
we kept the free section too. The whole point of the paid is to earn a slight bit of money (enough to cover atleast half of the colocation cost) and
have servers that arent constantly having downtime. Im happy to know you think its too good to be true, because it must mean we are offering allot more
than other hosts. I will stick to the price plan, and i will continue to offer users all around the globe a cheap server. How is it possible? Owning our
hardware and having the option and the money to expand? As for the databases, they cost us nothing…. backups same…. it would just use the disk that is
already in the system? As for bandwidth, its unlimited but fair use, which should be understandable because all servers need enough connection to run well.
In our 8 months of running we HAVE NEVER done the following : “ selling data, taking configs and files from users and using them for their benefit” and why
would we? First, im not smart enough to even know where to sell data, our bots all are fully configured and coded by myself and kevlarx, why would we need
someones code or config files when kevlarx is fluent in python and i know allot, just not as much as kevlarx. As for the screenshot provided from our website
all of the plans i will stick to them, and like originally said, it will be offered to the user. I like the way you didnt mention how we donate 5% (as of
1/17/25) (it was 1% but we upped it) to help the the planet, i dont see many hosts doing this. “How do you do that” because its not all about money to
some people, to me, its the experience and the experience i have gained from Navocloud is something i would pay thousands of pounds to re live. The community,
the staff, the users around the globe we meet is great, and something i will always keep. However, i will say, if we stole files, configs and user data,
how are we still operational?
Data loss Section:
Before we begin, all users agree to understanding that there server will have errors, that could cause data loss. As for that specific dataloss, it was not
something i was involved in as i was at work at that current time. I was informed after the case, but as that point the system was healthy and running
with users on it. As for 150 credits, you can get like 4gb ram 2 cores for 10 credits a month (im pretty sure you can get allot more than that, but we are
using it as a rough figure), you could host your server for 15 months (150 devided by 10 == 15) so, for the downtime, users could have MINIMUM of
15 months of hosting (1.25 years), is this not enough? Do you want me to send you free money too? Because unfourtuantly, for all 8 months of navocloud being up
the only payments we recieved was 40$ from **** and some smaller payments, but nothing above 60$ was donated in total. I want to personally thank the few
people that trusted us and donated even a few cents to us - it meant allot. I also agree, this wouldnt make up hours, days, weeks or months of work. I
personally appologise to all the users involved.
Lots of Downtime Section:
As a free host, allot of things go on, clearly you havent had any involvement with a high customer base. If you dont know already (not like you care) we
are a 4 man army, and at the start, it was only 3. I work and go college, restricting me to the later nights, and unfortuantly its not simple to go into
root and fix issues when you are not near your computer. Same with kevlarx, he works just like any other person and has hobbies, intrests outside of discord.
Maybe, you should find some, because clearly you dont understand how a human should function. Restarts happen, however the script should automatically turn
the users server back online automatically. Thanks for the comment saying we cannot “manage a hosting provider properly” when clearly, you dont and sit on
here reporting other hosts that are trying there best. Im sorry my best wasnt enough for you, i cannot appologise enough to the users involved. However
you should atleast be happy all downtimes are atleast reported to users, and we try our upmost best to ensure the users keep informed. The hetrix tools page
isnt updated at all, but our EU (coming soon) DDoS Filter has 99.99% uptime, staff node isnt updated to its new IP, EU website (
has a uptime of 99.98% and our US hosting has 100%…. the free node has changed IP but before it had around 97% downtime, which is the truth. Id like to see
what else you have found about us, and what we could do better, your feedback is great.
The end:
After all your comments, i would love to say this will not effect us at all, we have 5k+ users behind our back and no matter what happens, i will continue
to do what i love, and thats navocloud. Im sorry my hard work, commitment, and the interest to make the world a slightly better place allowing people who are poor, to
host there dreams - isnt good enough for you. We thrive for the best, and only the best. though on these days, this wasnt met. And i can say, all of my staff
including myself will go through tougher training to better our selves. Though your hiding on a fake name, if you’d like to speak this out, like normal humans,
and let me understand your issues and how I will pesonally fix them, feel free to add me (webdevdox) or send me a email via Though i dont
want mercy or should i recieve any, id like to atleast allow you to have proof of how ill better train my staff team for the future. Navocloud 2025.
May you have a great night, day or evening. Jahz.