Update on Cats from HostFusion
This thread is getting shared a lot on HostFusion’s community, so he wants to get this resolved and has contacted me almost every day.
It’s really annoying.
So Cats claims he was never racist. The supposed racism was simply a joke about tech support scammers. He claims that his own team member is Indian and that it wasn’t something to be taken seriously, and that he usually jokes around with other host owners. In my own opinion, while that joke was not very funny and objectively unprofessional, I think it shouldn’t be seen as offensive or racist because the reality is India is associated with tech support. The caste system, huge population and widespread access to the internet means there were always going to be criminal organizations that can do tech support scams without consequences. I’ve been called by them before and it sucks for everyone involved. I always end up giving them a hard time.
He also claims that he doesn’t steal clients from other hosts, and basically he’s just a really good salesman.
I think he’s right. Who cares?
And here’s a final apology that I have copied from his DM to share with you all:
I’m Cats, representing Host Fusion. I want to sincerely apologize for everything that happened in the thread. I deeply regret it and truly apologize from the bottom of my heart.
I promise that you will never experience anything like that from me again. Moving forward, I am committed to working as a team with others to ensure it never happens again. If it does, I will personally take responsibility, even if it means shutting down Host Fusion—because providing the best service to our clients is my top priority.
Hosting is my passion, and I want to continue doing it the right way. I sincerely apologize for any past issues, and I believe we should focus on building a better present and future together.
Once again, I am truly sorry.
Best regards,
Let’s not forget he threatened Drama with a DMCA takedown (which won’t work as this content can be considered Fair Use), and a GDPR complaint (which also won’t work because we don’t host or provide services in the EU). This was a shakedown and we don’t take shakedowns lightly. I’d like to see how this goes in the future.
Is the apology genuine? It doesn’t matter, all that matters is it’s now up to the community to decide once again.