gamer3514 nyxalis You only added this license once this thread started… You also never discussed adding this license to the thing you made me.
nyxalis gamer3514 Also unblock me, i did nothing wrong.. stop being childish and actually talk on discord
tailwindcss nyxalis This is true, if a license was added and/or changed, you are obligated to follow it as long as you are still using the software with that license
nyxalis Just becuase I said you get it for free doesn’t mean there will not be a license … I was suppose to add the license ages ago but this thread made sure it happened anyways.
Green Green Correction to point 1: All fields are optional as long as I fill in at least one. Sent my server ID as the reference number.
gamer3514 wolfy I’m reading everything through? His is most recent, so I’ve responded to his first. Wait your turn 🙂
wolfy gamer3514 you usually start reading from the start of the thread not the bottom but sure lol take your time
gamer3514 Lezetho How is this atall relevant? Silly Development gets ddosed on a daily basis yet I don’t think “Embotic has ddosed me, I must go mention this somewhere without proof”.
gamer3514 Hauber Jett’s actions were completely unacceptable and we did demote him for this once we became aware of the matter. We would never advertise like this, especially as it would be very unlikely to have a positive benefit.