As of 22/1/25 @ 2:10 we were made aware of a discord bot spammer spamming racist messages and messages that include saying “navocloud on top” followed by a @mention and a random string.
At that time, me and godly (the only staff on!) were busy. I was attending the hospital and godly was at work.

Sydney ( @Sydney ) then alerted us of this screenshot:

First, i have no idea who pylex is, though i am now aware of the owner (who sounds like a total nob) i have no idea what this pylex place is, and its not like i could give 2 shits what it is. Why would we attack something i dont even know existed?
This “Skibidi” person is on a account that is like 2 weeks old, most likely been planning this for a while. Skibidi is @lustalix on this forum.
Apparently he was paid “$5” for “cyteon” to attack us (previous staff) - though he is no longer the case, i can say this isnt something he would do, and anyways, for 5 dollars your someones little bitch @lustalix ?
I added this person, who clearly is on alt to hide there identity. He says the following “i ruin host reps for a living” “didnt do much to yo”
He then provides me with proof to show he is the person behind the attack:

He then says a “friend” is paying him, but i doubt it, this is clearly a sad individual that is doing this on there own accord.

I then provided them with a discord link for a temp voice chat call - they joined instantly and realised there mic was automatically opened and instantly left. They re-joined a few minuits later with there mic on mute.
I asked who they are, and if they are found I will take legal action, i hold by this statement, whoever this guy is, is out to ruin our rep, and spreading false information and pretending to be us - this violates multiple laws:
Ipersonation or Identity Fraud
Possible Computer Misuse
He then says:
And then obviously, the guy leaves

I then ask the final question:

“Let me check my list 🤓 ”
Then provides this:

Whoever this is, i could only guess there apart of LGBT or apart of a furry community, though all i can say, this has been apologized for, and everyone is entitled to there own opinion, but on this case, this shouldn’t have been broadcasted to any of our members.
If anyone has information on whom this “lustalix” person is, we’d be happy to pay for information if its correct.
He then blocks me 🙁