Abdul40 WilliamS cat aint dickhead. I know him since he was a child. He used to steal my cookies but still, he is good guy. I agree him being a copy cat but still he passed in exams by copying other’s paper. Cat doesnt ddos anymore, he promised.
Abdul40 WilliamS Stop defaming my cuddly little cat. He is super cute. I trust him from bottom to top. He is really a good guy. Words arent enough to describe him. See my attachment.
Torrent @Cats_ also works for RAVNIX, but they lie about his affiliation with them (like they did with Anthony and lots of others). RAVNIX is also a bunch of scamming scumbags whose host has gone down in flames. Funny how these types of people stick together.
core9128 im not sure wut is worse: * the OP turns out 2 be edp445 * Cats raids discord servers while breaking its tos with racial slurs and is edgy
JustPlinxy I have nothing to do with this drama nor do i want to do anything with it so all im going to say is after this original report why on earth would cats say things like this? He just got him self out of drama and apologised so this makes 0 sense.
o_o Sabrina Goom I messaged cam about his server being raided at the same time. Me and cam are close friends, feel free to ask him about this. Additionally, please get actual proof before taking screenshots out of context and making an ass of yourself. -management
Sabrina Goom o_o This was my opinion based on what I was told and shown, could’ve been you, could’ve been Cats, could’ve been Jesus himself - who knows.