I told myself I would never use this shitass, cesspit of a platform but here we are. I don’t know who did what, but Cats would have no reason to raid the Sahara Compute Discord, neither would Ethan, however then again, Ethan often gets ‘bored’ and decides to do asshole shit like this for no apparent reason, from DDoSing Teracast, RubyHost and Sahara Compute (among others) to getting my old discord account banned, to raiding our Discord after knowing it wasn’t able to be moderated anymore.
There’s no proof of who did what and we’ll never know the person who truly did it, however Ethan doesn’t like Cats and Cats does not like Ethan, Cats however seems to be way more mature when dealing with things and I doubt he would do this. So with that logic in mind, it would make sense that this is libel towards Cats, which is negatively affecting both Cats and I.
I really am tired of dealing with skids, can you guys go back to being anti social mf’s who don’t touch grass or talk to other people, and not DDoS or harass legitimate people trying to build a product they can be proud of? thanks, much appreciated.